Elevating the Creativity of The Bronx through Live Music & Artist Development




Uptown Melody, created by Bronx-Native Ayanna Williams aka Ayanna The Singer, is a platform dedicated to highlighting Bronx and uptown creatives through dynamic live music events and artist development workshops. It is a Black-and-Latinx-owned Business, celebrating the diversity of the arts and culture of The Bronx. Ayanna’s goal is to bring her community together through entertainment, education and networking opportunities. 


{our purpose}

Showcasing Local Talent


Premiering in 2021, Uptown Melody collaborated with small businesses to present artist showcases in uptown community. We are proud to say we have collaborated with Women-Owned, Bronx-Owned and Minority-Owned establishments including the Boogie Down Grind Cafe, Lenox Coffee, So Am-I-Worthy and TAG UP Studios. We have also collaborated with Bronx Non-Profits including The Bronx Council on the Arts and BronxArtSpace.

Uptown Melody is excited to provide showcases, open mics, networking events and artist development workshops to The Bronx and Uptown community.